Wednesday, April 8, 2020

I'm Learning Online Too!

Attending my 1st Virtual Conference while my daughter is working on her school assignments. Normally, I would have to leave home to attend a conference. I am glad to be home with my family AND able to participate in a conference at the same time!

Look at Me Learning!

This morning I am participating in my very first virtual SLJ conference called Middle Grades Magic. I am listening to authors share about their books, I am visiting various publisher booths, and I am earning CEUs, which are renewal credits that teachers and school librarians have to earn to renew their certifications every 5 years. 
I hope you will take opportunities to try new learning experiences as we stay home and stay safe!

So far this morning, I have watched 6 authors, and I am making a list of great new books to add to our print collection at FOMS. Can't wait to share all I learn with you!

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!! Thank you for coming up with fun things for us to do! -Carr
