Wednesday, April 22, 2020

It's Earth Day! What's Your Plan?

Earth Day began in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues in the United States (see The History of Earth Day from NewsEla). This year, a popular theme has been "Save the Turtles" by not using plastic straws.
While anything we do to reduce plastic waste is helpful, there are other day-to-day habits you can create to become a better steward of our Earth. Read about 10 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Earth (from NewsEla). Some of these steps are hard to implement where we live (we don't really have reliable public transportation), but there are several that we could start to implement today!

Two of the items on the list are passion projects for me. A passion project is anything you plan, do, and review because you have a strong interest in it. I have been working on composting at home for the past two years, and I am working on reducing my dependence on plastics by crocheting grocery totes out of plastic bags. So, rather than collecting 15 to 20 plastic bags each time I visit the grocery store, I can reuse my "plarn" bags indefinitely.
These are bags I have crocheted out of "plarn," which are plastic bags repurposed into yarn. I use these bags instead of plastic bags when I grocery shop. I have also used this plarn to crochet mats for homeless people to use.
People are always happy to share their plastic bags with me. I hope to make many of these to share with family and friends. 

If you are interested in learning more about passion projects or how I have implemented my projects, please visit my Google Classrooms - either Media Explorations or Crochet & Crafts. If you are a FOMS student, you can find the codes on the school website or in your teacher's ELA Google Classroom.

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